When the number on the scale is NOT enough....

So lets talk numbers! Now, while on this journey of weight loss or health gain :) I have not been a slave to the scale. Mainly because the scale and I have a love - hate relationship. One day we are cool, they next day I wish I never met her at all.

My main determinant for tracking my progress was through my clothes. If I could fit a certain size then I knew I was on track, if I came back a  week letter and the muffin top suddenly appeared then I was falling off. Just that simple.

Well back in June, I purchased this beautiful Candy Red cocktail dress. It was a size 14W. It was on sale and I had to have it! The issue at that time was that I was barely getting into a 18W <only with the help of the Holy Ghost> so I knew this would be my new PROGRESS DRESS!

So I tried it on from time to time for the next 6 months and finally I am ready to show it off!

**Hit the music DJ! <Pretty Girl Rock> Sing along with me now!

My name is Dre E and I'm so very......

.......Fly Oh My It's a little bit scary!.....

....All eyes on me when I walk in...No Question that this girl's a 10 <14w> lol....

.......Doin' the Pretty Girl Rock!

So there you have it! 24W to a 14W GOD IS GOOD!

Go get you a Freak 'Em Progress Dress!

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!


I'm back, just in time for the Holidays! Before I jump in with blog post, let me give you all an update!
Not after but 
Still in Progress!

Not after but
Still in Progress!

Not after but
Still in Progress!

Not after but
Still in Progress!

Not after but
Still in Progress!

Keep praying for me as I continue to pray for you!

We are doing this thang!!

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!

My Last 2 Piece and a Biscuit: Sighs..

Hi Friends of the Blog! So I came across this article last night and I just had to share it. It gives a list of 5 foods that can trigger a stroke. I'll share some of it with you:

1. Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats, which are hydrogenated oils popular with commercial bakeries because they stay solid at room temperature, so the products don't require refrigeration. Also listed on labels as "partially hydrogenated" or hydrogenated oils, trans fats are found in all kinds of snack foods, frozen foods, and baked goods, including salad dressings, microwave popcorn, stuffing mixes, frozen tater tots and French fries, cake mixes, and whipped toppings. They're also what makes margarine stay in a solid cube. The worst offenders are fried fast foods such as onion rings, French fries, and fried chicken.

2. Smoked and processed meats
Whether your weakness is pastrami, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, or a smoked turkey sandwich, the word from the experts is: Watch out.

3. Diet soda
Although replacing sugary drinks with diet soda seems like a smart solution for keeping weight down -- a heart-healthy goal -- it turns out diet soda is likely a major bad guy when it comes to stroke.

4. Red meat-- I cut red meat out a while back...only on occasion if I am eating out will I indulge
This winter, when the respected journal Stroke published a study showing that women who consumed a large portion of red meat each day had a 42-percent higher incidence of stroke, it got nutrition experts talking. The information that red meat, with its high saturated fat content, isn't healthy for those looking to prevent heart disease and stroke wasn't exactly news. But the percentage increase (almost 50 percent!) was both startling and solid; the researchers arrived at their finding after following 35,000 Swedish women for ten years.

5. Canned soup and prepared foods
Whether it's canned soup, canned spaghetti, or healthy-sounding frozen dinners, prepared foods and mixes rely on sodium to increase flavor and make processed foods taste fresher. Canned soup is cited by nutritionists as the worst offender; one can of canned chicken noodle soup contains more than 1,100 mg of sodium, while many other varieties, from clam chowder to simple tomato, have between 450 and 800 mg per serving. Compare that to the American Heart and Stroke Association's recommendation of less than1,500 mg of sodium daily and you'll see the problem. In fact, a nutritionist-led campaign, the National Salt Reduction Initiative, calls on food companies to reduce the salt content in canned soup and other products by 20 percent in the next two years.

So after reading this list, I wasn't too surprised, considering I am still eating as clean as possible (when possible). It did reinforce my plan to stay on track, and I am not going to lie, it has been hard lately. Especially since I have gone back to my old work place, and  unfortunately with old places sometimes bad habits resurface. For instance, the university I work at has a SCRUMPTIOUS chicken eatery at the entrance of the campus. Since I know I still have that "2 piece and biscuit" spirit  <Shame the devil!>, I make it a point to go ALL the way around the university so that I won't have to pass by the sign, because once I see the sign and then the specials...it is a wrap from there! Before I know it the next voice I will hear is "Welcome to Frenchy's can I take your order" LOL Help me Lord!

No seriously, this list did bring to surface a couple of other issues for me as well. I thought about my deceased mother. You see right before having her first heart attack she was eating Long John Silvers which is full of TRANS FAT and HYDROGENATED OILS. Then when I think back to the life ending stroke that she had, I recall her last meal we had which was being Timmy Chans.  Again, inferior food made with inferior ingredients. This inspires me to keep going and to continue to pass up the brightly lit chicken eatery signs <TUESDAY SPECIALS INCLUDED> and opt for my own backed chicken or what ever else I have a taste for, but the key is that I cook it MYSELF with the healthy ingredients.

P.S. The title is just that, a title. I can not honestly say that I have had my VERY last 2 piece just yet, although I don't eat it as often. Keep praying for me, hear?!

Eating To LIVE and not the other way around.

Equally Yoked: ....Maybe.

Hey Y'all! I hope all is well and your health is TOP NOTCH! I wanted to share this video that I found to be very informative. It kind of debunks the myth that obesity leads to heart disease (One point for the Home Team LOL) However, diet still plays HUGE role for the overwieght AND for the little people. Check it out, know the facts for yourself!

Eating to LIVE and NOT the other way around.

The Help: And the two old white guys

These are just some of my thoughts from the movie NOT a review..

So the movie was.....okay I guess. Nothing inspirational, and surely not as comical as I thought it was going to be. However there were some funny tid bits here and there, and mind you I am a pretty light hearted person that finds humor in everything, but some things are simply not funny. I honestly didn't know how popular this book was among that the middle age white female community, but after I saw the film I see why.....The film is like a Tyler Perry film, but reversed. I am not speaking of the plot or story line, but the character depiction. The way Tyler Perry brings to light the ills of the black community is kind of what this film did for the white community. The film discussed some pretty serious issues while keeping it light and funny (to some), hell they even had a Madea character in there! So, in all fairness, I understand why this is a "must see" for some women, especially white women. However as a woman of color, no as an educated woman of color, naw scratch that, as an educated, dark skin woman of color with curves, I found this movie to be a bit oppressive. Similar to what some may feel about some of Tyler Perry's films. The character that was meant for me to relate to was the maid by the name of Mannie. Mannie's character was sassy, quick tempered, hungry and weak. Oh, and she was always talking about some chicken, fried of course. The one thing I did take from the movie was the pride and dedication these black women had for their jobs as maids. That is about it......I did not appreciate how the black characters were made to be one-dimensional while their white bosses had a more clear back story. The black women had no love interest other than their love for Christ, which is good, but I am sure their life didn't revolve around solely cleaning up behind white folks. Also, the diction that was used seemed appropriate, but kind of eerie for me since I was sitting between two older white men and MAJOR side eye to the one on my left who got a hearty laugh out the being black and coffee joke 0_o Oh you should have saw their face when I finally laughed out loud, because for the most part I was playing the role in my seat as the anger fat black woman who couldn't take a joke. Well, to you two kind sirs, I apologize that I did not find humor in most of the movie, except for the chocolate pie, now that was if funny! Anyway, if you are looking for a movie of inspiration this is NOT it. Oh and my final grievance, I don't appreciate the way the whole theatre laughed out loud when they showed the Skeeter's nanny/ family maid for the first time. I don't think her appearance was meant to be comical but apparently my fellow movie goers did, especially the two jokesters on either side of me. "Tell me how you REALLY feel"......
I think I should have saw the ape movie.................

Starving Children in Africa: Raw & UnCut

So while eating a plate of homemade marinara sauce & three cheese raviolis this weekend, I found myself faced with a dilema: I had four cheese raviolis left that looked kinda like this
Yummy! Anyway, it was a cheat meal for the day, groceries were low and I was not going to store so I had to cook what I had! *My excuse and I am sticking with it!*

Anywho the serving size was like 8 ravioli's so of course I got my fair share, nothing more and definitely not anything less 8 is what I got, and I made dog-gone sure they were all whole, not broken, etc...true fat kid in me! So when I got down to the final 4 raviolis I noticed that I was stuffed, like really full.

But in the back of my head I heard both of my grandmother's voices "Guhl, you bet not waste that food, do you know there are starving children in Africa who could eat that!" And pending on which grandmother's house I was at as a child that statement could have been followed by "...And don't carry your tail in here askin' for NARE-NUTTHA piece of nothing!" and in a slight mumble you could hear granny say "...waisting my $%^&* food, you can waste your momma food, but not my food over here, not today you won't!" LOL Lord have mercy! I love both of my grandmothers!

But listen y'all, alot of parent's have this same rule of FINISH YOUR PLATE and DON'T WASTE FOOD.

Now I understand my grandparents grew up in a time where refrigerators were a luxury and the microwave was unheard of, so I can kind of see why they insisted in eating ALLL of the food given to you. And especially since having a plate of food was/is a true blessing, I understand you didn't want to waste it.

However, in today's times we have sufficient refrigeration and microwaves, so why do we still insist on stuffing ourselves in the name of these starving kids in Africa ( *DISCLAIMER: I do take World Hunger seriously, in fact I do my part by donating to various orgs for that cause. ) I don't want any hate messages talkin' about I'm being insensitive etc. etc.

Now, back to these starving kids that my grandmother's advocated for all of the time. I have found myself playing a mind game when it some to some foods. If it's a food I really like and I have had enough, but my plate was not completely eaten I would stuff myself and then have the nerve to feel a since of pride as if I did my part for hungry kids in Africa!

Yeah, that's sad, I know but I am learning that in this journey alot of my eating habits are out of just that HABITS, and bad ones at that.

Out of habit I cleaned my plate, out of habit I used to stuff myself, and out of habit I became FAT!

So I think I have come to grips with this one, and I heard a new mantra that I tell myself when I see I have food left, and y'all can use this too....this one is free lol " WASTED food is better than WAISTED food" Simply saying, I'd rather waste some food than to have it added to my waistline (which is still shrinking by the way!)

Again, let me give a disclaimer, I am not saying make a big ole plate and eat 1/2 of it and throw the other half away and think you are doing something.

I am saying if you use proper portion control you won't have that much wasted, and if you do, REFRIGERATE IT and EAT IT LATER! It will speed up your metabolism and shrink your stomach volume naturally. The key is listen to your BODY and not the VOICES, in my case not the voice of my grandmothers LOL

"Eating to LIVE and not the other way around"

Are you Pretty enough?

Yeah so this post is not a self empowerment one, although I need to write more of those, however Are you Pretty enough is in reference to your food presentation. Throughout this journey I have learned to sike myself out about alot of things. More specifically the way I present my food to myself. Believe it or not, we spend so much time in restaurants simply because our EYES like what we see. Seriously, think about it, we eat with our EYES. They are the first to say whether or not we are interested in what is on our plate. I know I am not the only one that has changed their entree at the last minute after seeing a waiter walk by with a plate that looked soo good to my EYES. So with that said, let me tell you about my trick in eating more fruits and veggies.

You know how when you are at a function with food you find yourself eating the carrots or broccoli <knowing good and well you don't eat like that on a regular basis> from the pretty veggie tray that might look something like this:
Well I make my veggies at home look similar to this. That's right, I make my own veggie and fruit trays, WHY? Because I know I am a visual eater, and apparently my daughter is too because she is tearing up those carrots! Seriously, I buy some veggies from the produce section, PLEASE DON'T GO BUY PREMADE VEGGIE TRAYS, MAKE YOUR OWN! It will save you money as well as ensure that your produce is cleaned properly. Also an AWESOME find while at my local 99 cent only store was that they sell SUPER cheap veggies and fruit for ONE DOLLAR, and it's a bag full too! Eating healthy does NOT, I repeat does NOT have to break your pockets! Actually your grocery bill should go down. I'll do a post on that later, as requested. Anywho start feeding your eyes! Make your food pretty enough, especially those fruits and veggies. I even plan to make mini fruit and veggie platters to keep in the fridge this semester to snack on during my office hours. I will prepare them on a Styrofoam saucer plate and mix it up, spice it up, sauce it up <not too much> what ever I have to do to keep eating clean while on the go! I will make 5 mini platters at a time so that I can grab them and go because Lord knows I am always running late!

So try it! So what if folks give you the side eye for having veggie trays in your fridge, Forget them! We are trying to get our bodies right, and doing so may cause some stares SO WHAT! Stare at them while they are gulping down the High Fructose Corn Syrup and other fake boxed foods! Ok, I'm done. But seriously bring those fruits and veggies out of the bottom drawer in your fridge and put them on the TOP SHELF, you deserve it!

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.

Instant Lipo: It has come down to this..

Exhibit A
*For the record, this is not my actual back, but I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that it could be a close replica:) LOL

Anyway, through this journey to a healthier me I have seen some changes. Some good, like the slight breeze between my thighs these days <It caught me off guard, I was SOO not used to that!>  and the bad, like the roundness of my tush #teamMs.NewFitBooty, and then the UGLY --this dreadful sagging back fat! UUGGGGHHH the frustration is on level 10,000! It throws off my whole outfit. I am proud to say that I am the big girl with a cute tummy and not a big ole belly :) Hey I can brag a little, I have turned down too many soda pops and other sugary things not too. However, since I am still loosing weight and inches my back rolls are deflating #WINNING but they are sagging #FAIL! I know it probably sounds worse than what it really is, but I can not stand it! So I have signed up for the instant Lipo, NOOOO I AM NOT GOING UNDER THE KNIFE but I have invested ONCE AGAIN in a nice snug girdle.

Speaking of girdles, I have a grievance, soo while at a function a few weeks ago I noticed soo many women who had on skin tight tops, but NO shape wear. I mean, I know how it is, you look in the mirror holding your stomach in with that Hand over your belly like that is suppose to be the magic touch to hold it in all day LOL Yeah I used to fall for that trick, but uuummmm yeah, a girdle is a MUST have. Honestly, I thought that since I was loosing weight I could ditch those dang girdles, but I was sadly mistaken.....my rolls need support yall! Mainly the rolls in back <rolls eyes> But I must say that I am pleased with my choice to use shapewear for that issue. It has a smoother look and allows my hidden hour glass figure to peek its little head though, just a lil bit! Mind you, I am HOT as you know what, but hey no pain no gain. Oh and supposedly it will help to shape my body permanently.

Cheers to girdles all around the world!

Eating to LIVE and no the other way around.

High heels + itunes + YouTube + ankle weights = Bomb.com Workout

That's right, I was determined to get my tshirt drenched in sweat today!

High heels + itunes + YouTube + ankle weights =
Bomb.com Workout

 So what we have here is a formula for a good time by yourself or w/ a group all while getting some cardio and lower body workout in! I heard the song over the weekend at a "function" and I am soo glad I did! I heard it before but forgot ALL about it, but it came back to my memory this morning AND the rest is history!

Here is the first video I found:
I love this one because the guy gives great directions but PLEASE don't make the mistake that I did! SO I had the dance down pack, with my heels (in my pajamas), my ankle weights and downloaded the song from itunes and I was GONE! Just to realize that this was the simple version. SAY WHA?! That was hard ENOUGH in my opinion, but my coordination skills are a bit off LOL Anyway here is the more popular version that I saw done Saturday night.
Yeah, when I first saw this one I said "AWWW HECK NAW!" but after the first couple of minutes they break it down and it was easier than I thought! #FutureProStepper LOL in my mind at least!

I did it for about 45 minutes w/ my ankle weights and I kept my arms moving to get a little upper body. You can use the wrist weights to add variety. I REALLY can't wait until the next function to do this w/ the other people!

Next Line dance: Wobble Wobble #AAAYYYYYEEEE

Eating Moving to Live and not the other way around!

"Later" stood me up...

I have reached a plateau and I am not happy about it....It's time to switch it up, I mean really I have to remind myself of how STRONG, UNSTOPPABLE, LIFTED and even SEXXXXY I felt after a long hard workout at the gym when I first started this thing.

I would go in dry as a whistle and walk out drenched in pure natural sweat and I LOVED IT!  Lately I have found myself missing a few dates w/ the gym and would tell myself, "Oh I'll do some pushups and cardio later" but for some reason "later" never came to pick me up for our date lol So starting today I am throwing the YMCA workouts out the window for a few weeks and getting my sweat on in other ways. I think this switch up may be the change I need to get over the plateau hump! In my Professor Klump Voice "LETS GET BUSY!" #random

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!

The case of the EMPTY Pantry.



So I go into my kitchen and look in my pantry and notice that it is SO BARE and........ I Smile! Why? Because that is an indicator that I am still on this journey of a healthier me. It is a saying that says you can tell a person's character by the company they keep. Well same goes for these pantries, you can tell a person's healthy state of mind (or lack there of) by what is on their pantry shelves.

When I first started this journey of eating clean, I had to really do a lot of soul searching and self checking. I came to realize that the way I shop, eat, and even my cravings are by habit. Here I was with a family of 3, still shopping for a family of 6. You see, I still had that mindset from my childhood. Remember I was the chubby kid in my household of 6, so anything dealing with the food I was involved, from the shopping, to the pantry organizing, and even most of the cooking once I was old enough. I can recall the feeling of satisfaction at an early age when I saw our pantries FULL to the MAX! I knew all the Twinkies, ho hos, cereals and juices where waiting on me whenever I was ready. Oh, but when the pantry was low I knew that meant one of two things: PIZZA! or Sandwiches (yuck!). Of course I would always root for the Pizza, but those sandwiches won the battle one too many times for me. So with these past experiences, and me equating FULL pantries to happiness and EMPTY pantries to not so happy, it seemed only right for me to keep my pantries full to the max at all times! I can recall in college when my pantry, which was a big ole Tupperware tub, was always filled w/ snacks and goodies!

As of today, my pantry is not completely empty like the pic above, but it is really bare. It has a couple of canned veggies, only because I don't like frozen corn or peas, the rest of my veggies I buy fresh or frozen. Then I have my tuna and oysters as protein snacks, and then my staples like flour, sugar etc. Pretty simple. Occasionally I would have a bag of chips or some other snack, but I find myself reaching over those to get my peanuts or another healthy snack. I will admit, the hardest part was emptying out ALL of that junk I had in there at first. Looking back I laugh at myself and even feel sorry for myself for thinking that processed junk was suppose to nourish myself and my family. For example, the INSTANT Potatoes, LORD help me, I had it down to a science trying to make these "potato flakes" taste like real potatoes. I mean, all that effort I could have used to boil some real potatoes that still have the nutrients and FIBER in them. Or maybe the boxed carbs like the dirty rice, stuffing, MACARONI, and even the instant sweet potatoes. Y'all I really could not imagine going back to that FOOLISHNESS! And don't think for a second that I gave up my macaroni or dirty rice, I just cook them the old school way- from scratch and with REAL ingredients! Gone are the CHEESE POWDERS OR SQUEEZE ON CHEESE CRAP! I go in there and grate the cheeses I want, and when I am feeling fancy, I may include 5 different REAL cheeses and it is THE BOMB.COM!


Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!

Back from Summer Blog Vacay!

So I've been away for a while, sorry guys but LIFE was calling and I had to answer. Anyway, I was very productive while on my blog vacay, even connected with a new Health and Wellness Group called A Road to Healthy with Lolita Goods. This group is AWESOME, I found it right when I started feeling a little lonely on this journey. Yeah my husband is supportive and I have a good friend I talk to daily about our health progress etc. but I still felt like I was missing something. Through the group I am able to get EXPERT and PROFESSIONAL advice from doctors and health experts as well as share the journey white hundreds of women across the country.

The website is: http://www.aroadtohealthy.com/     Check it out!!

More Recipes coming this week! Missed you all!!

Eating to Live and NOT the other way around!

P&E Quickies Presents: What's on your plate?

TURN ON THE DISCO BALL AND SHUT THE LIGHTS OFF (Yes I said shut, my granny's favorite line lol) IT'S A CELEBRATION!

We are celebrating the USDA's ditching of that RIDICULOUS food pyramid that is keeping our country FAT. Yeah I said, FAT...besides I can do that b/c I'm still in the big girl club..for now :) Anyway, here is a pic of the pyramid, just in case you forgot.

Now, the biggest issue that I have with this thing is that it puts breads, pastas, and grains as the bulk of our diet...and that is what is making us FAT. Then to add damage to insult, the majority of these items sold in the supermarket are so PROCESSED that they lack nutritional VALUE, again causing us to be FAT. 

The "NEW" USDA Pyramid
Red = fruit
Green = veggies
Purple = protein
Orange = grains

It's a start. I guess. While on my journey, I could not have progressed if my plate mirrored the one above. I've shared before that I mainly eat from saucers, and on that saucer is a purple and a green. I have found it beneficial to LIMIT my carb and grain intake to little to none on some days ( no more than 20 carbs or so a day). To explain  why I am satisfied with this way of eating, let leave you with this snippet from one of my favorite health books FAT to SKINNY. He Says:

It’s no secret that cow food is front-loaded with grains and corn to fatten up the cow for slaughter. After all, the rancher and everyone else get paid by the pound! GRAINS = SUGAR, SUGAR then turns into
FAT. As I mentioned earlier, if I ate the diet plan outlined for me in my custom food pyramid, I would be as FAT as a COW! WHY? Because I would be eating COW FOOD. Cows eat corn and grains. Flour comes from ground GRAIN.....Ever notice how sleek and streamlined the great cats are? Panthers, leopards, lions and tigers. They don’t eat COW food. They are carnivores, and they eat protein. We are carnivores as well. You’ll lean out quickly if you switch from COW food to protein.
Excert from:
FAT TO SKINNY Fast and Easy!  Doug Varrieur

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.

Shopping & Dropping!

Bottoms: 18
Dresses: 16-18

Yeah super excited!!
In the midst of my celebrating over the weekend, I was hit w/ a bit of a downer....I need more clothes!! My jeans are sagging and my tops look....well sloppy. So I started on this shopping quest last last week, but quickly realized that I didn't want to replenish my WHOLE wardrobe just yet because this is not the size I plan to stay. So of course I hit up various CLEARANCE racks, I am a Frugal Divah these days :) but I still felt like I was investing too much money in clothes that I was not going to be able to fit within a couple of months (speaking it into existence y'all). Anyway, while driving I saw a YARD SALE sign last Saturday and the rest is history!! I felt like I hit the jack pot LOL especially when I stumbled across a chuncky lady's yard sale and found 3 Lane Bryant Jean Trousers --size 18 :) for a BUCK each! YES, ONE DOLLAR for gently used LB jeans! #WINNING #SAVING Oh, and not to mention the UNUSED handbags (.50- $1 each) I have came across to go w/ my new heels that I have collected this season #WINNING again! Now, I will say that my bargaining skills have alot to do w/ the great prices I am able to get, here are a few tips and pics of some yard sale findings thus far, I'll keep you posted!

Frugal-nistic Yard Sale Tips:
1. NEVER accept the price on the tag! C'mon it's a yard sale, they are trying to get rid of it, so NE-GO-TIATE!
2. Let's say you snagg a pair of jeans priced 5 bucks, ask if you can get them for $3, and then quick pick up a handbag and a pot and ask for all of the items for $3.50!! Don't be SCUURRDD, just ask, they'll say yes! Less than $1.25 per item (Cha-Ching!)
3. Look for the more RITZY neighborhoods for better deals and quality stuff. There is nothing worse than a TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP wanna be yard sale full of JUNK, but have the nerves to want to charge an arm and a leg!
4. WASH, LYSOL, AND WASH SOME MORE EVERYTHING you get! **My rule of thumb: If it has a STAIN it REMAINS (there) LOL

Here are some pics!
 Soo these were a steal and were BRAND NEW! NineWest Heels $5!
Lane Bryant Trouser Jeans $1 cute little waist belt .50 Gotta Love it!

MUCH NEEDED Pant Suit JonesNewyork $7

BRAND NEW!! Weekend Tote Estee Lauder .75 #WhoMad?! LOL

Cute Bags---$1.00 FOR BOTH!

Marianne and Lane Bryant Tops $1 each!!!

And my ABSOLUTE FAVE!!! Summer Sweater BabyPhat $2!!
**Will go perfect w/ my nude heels and those trouser jeans above huh?!?

I hope this helps you slimming down FASHIONISTAS!

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.

Healing in Progress...Do NOT Disturb!

So I had a bad case of writer's block, but I'm BACK! Not with a post though, just some pics to encourage myself...yeah, I said it, this one is for me. I am learning while in this journey to find inspiration and encouragement in the small things around me. Check out the video, will ya.....

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.

Meatless Monday:Starting the week off the Veggie Way!

SO there is a new fad in the health realm, Meatless Mondays is the name. It was started by a non-profit and has swept across the nation, encouraging people to start their week off in a more healthy direction all while helping the planet! They have a pledge on their website, and honestly I have not gone that far yet....I just wasn't moved to commit a life time of meatless Mondays....just seemed a bit extreme to me IDK. Just my opinion! None the less here are some veggie dishes that I will indulge in on this Meatless Monday! Bon A Petite!

Veggie Lasagna

I don't want to give step by step directions on making lasagna, simply because I have found that in this journey I enjoy the ability to make the foods I like, but simply making healthier EXCHANGES. So in this dish I simply prepared lasagna the way I normally would, but I exchanged the lasagna noodles for Zucchini Slices! Here is a pic of the sliced zucchini, please don't laugh @ my rugged edges, zucchini is hard to slice length wise! Take a look:

You are probably giving me the side eye by now, and I TOTALLY understand, I did the same thing until I actually tried it, and believe me, you won't miss the noodles! Ok, now for the sauce, make it the way you normally would, for my sauce I used no salt added tomato sauce as the base, two cans of diced tomatoes w/ onions, and I added fresh mushrooms, and minced garlic. From here you go on to mix your ricotta, eggs and mozzarella as you would, I added Parmesan cheese to mine. Layer the ingredients as normal, although I found it easier to spread my ricotta mixture on the zucchini slices and then place them in the pan. After you layer your ingredients, put foil over the pan and bake for an hour or so, after it comes out of the oven I immediately put a layer of mozzarella on top and let it melt on it's own. Please note that the lasagna will be more watery than usual due to the water in the zucchini. There you have it! I have tried the same dish w/ ground turkey in the sauce and it is just as superb! Forgot it was MEATLESS Monday just that quick, oh well!

Now for my veggie quiche! Here is a pic:

This one is simple! I used a frozen pie crust (next time I'll make my own), five eggs, 1/2 cup milk, a tad of flour, cup of diced tomatoes, two cups of frozen mixture that had red and yellow peppers and onions, 1/2 cup mushrooms, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, 2 tbl. spoons real butter. You can add what ever veggies you like really.

I mixed the eggs, all veggies, mushrooms, butter and cheese together and then separately mixed the milk and flour in a small cup first, and then added it to the egg mixture. After which, I poured the batter into the pie crust, and baked it for 45 minutes on 350 degrees. Let cool and set for ten minutes after you take it out of the oven and there you have it! Couple it with a nice salad and you are set! Oh this meal is great for on the go breakfast, make you a pan on Sunday and slice it up into small portions and freeze it, then take one portion out every morning and pop it in the microwave for an easy on the go breakfast!

Meatless Mondays aren't too bad after all. I can honestly say that I don't miss the meat! Not because I want to become a vegetarian or anything, but because in this journey of healthy living I am not so dependant on meat as a main course. I am okay with veggies, beans, eggs or fruit being the main dish and meat being simply a side dish. It works better for me that way, and I think it makes the scale move in the right direction as well, not too mention it's great for controlling your cholesterol and blood pressure. So happy Meatless Monday to ya!

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.

It's JUST food, don't take it personal...

First things first, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of the mommies out there! I hope your day was filled with love, rest, and good food! Speaking of good food, we had a wonderful spread on yesterday, prepared by my mother in law, a tender beef roast, macaroni and cheese, fresh squash, fresh green beans, white rice and candy yams (not to mention two Delicious pies). Boy was it good, but I have to admit, since I have opted for a cleaner and healthier way of eating, I kind of cringe when the holidays come around especially because in my family EVERY holiday is celebrated with an abundance of food, whether it be Memorial Day, Independence Day (America, Mexico, AND Texas Slave Independence Day-- Juneteenth lol) I mean we will take any holiday and make it a true celebration! But while one this path to a healthier me I cringe around these times because I know I will be TEMPTED to the 100th power with foods that I used to eat w/ out thinking twice about. Like yesterday's meal, back in the day I would have filed on the candy yams and macaroni, while taking a spoonful each of the squash and green beans but since my change, I now get a small portion of meat, file on the fresh veggies and get a TEAspoon of the PROCESSED carbs, like the candy yams and macaroni (I didn't touch the white rice) all while eating from a saucer, yes the small child's plate as my husband calls it!

So on top of being tempted, I also have to endure the MILLION and Eleven HUNDRED questions from family about why I am doing what I am doing....smh...why don't people mind their own business I DON'T KNOW, but let me share with you a list of the questions AND statements that I have encountered thus far, here we go:

-Girl, its _______ (insert ANY holiday, special occasion, hell any day of the week even lol) you don't need to be on no diet. <Who said I was on a "DIET"?>

-Oh so you are acting funny, not wanting to eat my food... <What if I'm not hungry?!?!>

-Ain't nothing wrong with a little cake (pie, ding dong, ho-ho etc.) sometimes.. <Yeah I used to think that, but you see where that got me...>

-My doctor told me that we all need salt to live, why you ask what kind do I use? <You only need a tablespoon A DAY, and I prefer unprocessed sea salt, and I asked because its my body and I want to know what I am putting in it.>

-When did you start this mess?!? < ...soryy but I usually ignore that question....>

 and my all time favorite (drum roll please!!!!)

"WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO BE ON A DIET?  YOU ARE FINE THE WAY YOU ARE."  <LIAR!Again, IGNORE, because what they mean is that they are more comfortable with you being unhealthy because your healthy choices are making them rethink their own unhealthy options...but I digress>

And the list goes on! Honestly at first I would entertain the questions and answer them, but I quickly learned that most of the time they really didn't want to hear the answer...*shrugs* But one thing I have started doing was not eating from a saucer any time I'm not at home (I will explain the saucer in another post) and also not making my plate look too different from every one else's and just taking the rest "TO GO" which usually means (pending on what it is) TO THE TRASH! No really, I had to start putting myself first and stop stuffing myself with unhealthy food for the sake of not hurting peoples feelings, I'm sorry but your sugar and margarine <yuck!> drenched sweet potatoes (Or any other unhealthy food options) are not worth compromising my health...It just isn't anymore. Period. Point Blank.

I'm sure many of you have been questioned when you decided to live a healthier lifestyle and I pray that you learn to make the best of it and not revert back to your old ways just to satisfy someone else, even your significant other (that's another post!). How do you handle the unsolicited questions and comments? Let me know.

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.

My Curves...have YOU seen them??

So while in route to a healthier me, I have lost some things along the way, which was to be expected. Mainly pounds of course, some relationships (food relationships mainly) and just recently I have noticed that my curves seem to be doing a disappearing act, and the main culprit is the curve of my derriere!

Now being a big girl most of my life, I had to find ways to make big look good. One thing was to embrace ALL of my curves, I can recall saying things to myself like "I know I'm a big girl, but at least I have a booty." and was soo serious, I felt it was a blessing from above! See, I didn't have the skinny legs like some bigger women, or the cute little small feet, but honey I had my curves and I embraced them to the fullest. But lately my booty seems to be, well hiding or something...its not as round as it used to be. Exhibit A if you will:
A couple of years back.

For years, this, my derriere, has been my comforter. It even deterred me from loosing weight at one point because I had seen, with my own eyes, how some women loose weight and the booty gets lost in the shuffle as well, and at that time in life I was sooo not ready for that.  I embraced mine, loved it and worked it! But since it is slowly but surely melting away, I had to come to grips with one thing..I had to be honest with myself, I didn't earn my curves the right way, meaning I hadn't done one lunge or squat so in essence it was merely fat with NO muscle. Now below is an earned booty. Exhibit B:

Now Serena Williams, in my opinion has an "earned booty", and yes I do think genetics plays a part in the abundance or lack of curves, but I am just praying, and y'all pray too that mine will stand strong (and round lol) through this transition because I just don't know what I'll do! Actually, I take that back, there are exercises to help get that FIT "donkey booty" as ATL Housewife Pheadra Parks calls it, check these out below:




Pictures and more details about these exercises can be found here:

Fit bootys for everyone!
Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!