Meatless Monday:Starting the week off the Veggie Way!

SO there is a new fad in the health realm, Meatless Mondays is the name. It was started by a non-profit and has swept across the nation, encouraging people to start their week off in a more healthy direction all while helping the planet! They have a pledge on their website, and honestly I have not gone that far yet....I just wasn't moved to commit a life time of meatless Mondays....just seemed a bit extreme to me IDK. Just my opinion! None the less here are some veggie dishes that I will indulge in on this Meatless Monday! Bon A Petite!

Veggie Lasagna

I don't want to give step by step directions on making lasagna, simply because I have found that in this journey I enjoy the ability to make the foods I like, but simply making healthier EXCHANGES. So in this dish I simply prepared lasagna the way I normally would, but I exchanged the lasagna noodles for Zucchini Slices! Here is a pic of the sliced zucchini, please don't laugh @ my rugged edges, zucchini is hard to slice length wise! Take a look:

You are probably giving me the side eye by now, and I TOTALLY understand, I did the same thing until I actually tried it, and believe me, you won't miss the noodles! Ok, now for the sauce, make it the way you normally would, for my sauce I used no salt added tomato sauce as the base, two cans of diced tomatoes w/ onions, and I added fresh mushrooms, and minced garlic. From here you go on to mix your ricotta, eggs and mozzarella as you would, I added Parmesan cheese to mine. Layer the ingredients as normal, although I found it easier to spread my ricotta mixture on the zucchini slices and then place them in the pan. After you layer your ingredients, put foil over the pan and bake for an hour or so, after it comes out of the oven I immediately put a layer of mozzarella on top and let it melt on it's own. Please note that the lasagna will be more watery than usual due to the water in the zucchini. There you have it! I have tried the same dish w/ ground turkey in the sauce and it is just as superb! Forgot it was MEATLESS Monday just that quick, oh well!

Now for my veggie quiche! Here is a pic:

This one is simple! I used a frozen pie crust (next time I'll make my own), five eggs, 1/2 cup milk, a tad of flour, cup of diced tomatoes, two cups of frozen mixture that had red and yellow peppers and onions, 1/2 cup mushrooms, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, 2 tbl. spoons real butter. You can add what ever veggies you like really.

I mixed the eggs, all veggies, mushrooms, butter and cheese together and then separately mixed the milk and flour in a small cup first, and then added it to the egg mixture. After which, I poured the batter into the pie crust, and baked it for 45 minutes on 350 degrees. Let cool and set for ten minutes after you take it out of the oven and there you have it! Couple it with a nice salad and you are set! Oh this meal is great for on the go breakfast, make you a pan on Sunday and slice it up into small portions and freeze it, then take one portion out every morning and pop it in the microwave for an easy on the go breakfast!

Meatless Mondays aren't too bad after all. I can honestly say that I don't miss the meat! Not because I want to become a vegetarian or anything, but because in this journey of healthy living I am not so dependant on meat as a main course. I am okay with veggies, beans, eggs or fruit being the main dish and meat being simply a side dish. It works better for me that way, and I think it makes the scale move in the right direction as well, not too mention it's great for controlling your cholesterol and blood pressure. So happy Meatless Monday to ya!

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.