Instant Lipo: It has come down to this..

Exhibit A
*For the record, this is not my actual back, but I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that it could be a close replica:) LOL

Anyway, through this journey to a healthier me I have seen some changes. Some good, like the slight breeze between my thighs these days <It caught me off guard, I was SOO not used to that!>  and the bad, like the roundness of my tush #teamMs.NewFitBooty, and then the UGLY --this dreadful sagging back fat! UUGGGGHHH the frustration is on level 10,000! It throws off my whole outfit. I am proud to say that I am the big girl with a cute tummy and not a big ole belly :) Hey I can brag a little, I have turned down too many soda pops and other sugary things not too. However, since I am still loosing weight and inches my back rolls are deflating #WINNING but they are sagging #FAIL! I know it probably sounds worse than what it really is, but I can not stand it! So I have signed up for the instant Lipo, NOOOO I AM NOT GOING UNDER THE KNIFE but I have invested ONCE AGAIN in a nice snug girdle.

Speaking of girdles, I have a grievance, soo while at a function a few weeks ago I noticed soo many women who had on skin tight tops, but NO shape wear. I mean, I know how it is, you look in the mirror holding your stomach in with that Hand over your belly like that is suppose to be the magic touch to hold it in all day LOL Yeah I used to fall for that trick, but uuummmm yeah, a girdle is a MUST have. Honestly, I thought that since I was loosing weight I could ditch those dang girdles, but I was sadly rolls need support yall! Mainly the rolls in back <rolls eyes> But I must say that I am pleased with my choice to use shapewear for that issue. It has a smoother look and allows my hidden hour glass figure to peek its little head though, just a lil bit! Mind you, I am HOT as you know what, but hey no pain no gain. Oh and supposedly it will help to shape my body permanently.

Cheers to girdles all around the world!

Eating to LIVE and no the other way around.