The Help: And the two old white guys

These are just some of my thoughts from the movie NOT a review..

So the movie was.....okay I guess. Nothing inspirational, and surely not as comical as I thought it was going to be. However there were some funny tid bits here and there, and mind you I am a pretty light hearted person that finds humor in everything, but some things are simply not funny. I honestly didn't know how popular this book was among that the middle age white female community, but after I saw the film I see why.....The film is like a Tyler Perry film, but reversed. I am not speaking of the plot or story line, but the character depiction. The way Tyler Perry brings to light the ills of the black community is kind of what this film did for the white community. The film discussed some pretty serious issues while keeping it light and funny (to some), hell they even had a Madea character in there! So, in all fairness, I understand why this is a "must see" for some women, especially white women. However as a woman of color, no as an educated woman of color, naw scratch that, as an educated, dark skin woman of color with curves, I found this movie to be a bit oppressive. Similar to what some may feel about some of Tyler Perry's films. The character that was meant for me to relate to was the maid by the name of Mannie. Mannie's character was sassy, quick tempered, hungry and weak. Oh, and she was always talking about some chicken, fried of course. The one thing I did take from the movie was the pride and dedication these black women had for their jobs as maids. That is about it......I did not appreciate how the black characters were made to be one-dimensional while their white bosses had a more clear back story. The black women had no love interest other than their love for Christ, which is good, but I am sure their life didn't revolve around solely cleaning up behind white folks. Also, the diction that was used seemed appropriate, but kind of eerie for me since I was sitting between two older white men and MAJOR side eye to the one on my left who got a hearty laugh out the being black and coffee joke 0_o Oh you should have saw their face when I finally laughed out loud, because for the most part I was playing the role in my seat as the anger fat black woman who couldn't take a joke. Well, to you two kind sirs, I apologize that I did not find humor in most of the movie, except for the chocolate pie, now that was if funny! Anyway, if you are looking for a movie of inspiration this is NOT it. Oh and my final grievance, I don't appreciate the way the whole theatre laughed out loud when they showed the Skeeter's nanny/ family maid for the first time. I don't think her appearance was meant to be comical but apparently my fellow movie goers did, especially the two jokesters on either side of me. "Tell me how you REALLY feel"......
I think I should have saw the ape movie.................