The key

After a six-month hiatus, I have found my mojo again, for the 100th time. I must admit, I have been a part- time clean eater and a very absent gym rat. I simply lost it. What is IT? Honestly, it is hard to put into words, but I can tell you what ever it was that I had sure felt good. The desire to eat right, sweat my behind off---literally (revisit the Bum-Bum Post ), and just simply feel good about my fit chubby self. Yes I miss IT!

There is good news in view. I think I may have found the key to unlock the tomb that may hold my IT. Yes, indeed. I feel a little something stirring up, Thank Ya Jesus!

Seriously, so I am back on my grind and to kick off my mojo I have tweaked my eating schedule just a bit. I am no longer eating after 6pm- 7pm. Yes. Simply that. I have tried this for just over a week now and I am so amazed at how much this is helping me to find my IT!

Keep in mind, I am still watching my portions, drinking plenty of water, and cooking and eating clean at times. I will work on the latter soon and very soon. However, I am so proud of myself for being disciplined enough to follow through on this very task. Especially since I have found that DISCIPLE is indeed the key to SUCCESS on this journey to health and wellness. I have prayed, like for real, literally prayed and asked God to give me the will power, strength and sheer discipline to concur this obesity DEVIL!

I have come to grips that this can not happen without DIVINE intervention!

Some of benefits that I have noticed so far after a week of not eating past 6 or 7
pm are:

  • Increased energy, especially in the mornings. I no longer have that stiff and groggy feeling 
  • Increase in water in take. Get this, in order to keep that "hungry beast" in check, I guzzle down the H2O and it works.
  • Better meal planning. What also keeps me going during that 12 hr + fast is thinking about the food (healthy of course) that I can prepare for the next day. I think it's a mental thing...
  • Helped to understand my emotional eating habit. Being able to simply deny myself with no compromise has helped me to utilize other coping skills. Instead of eating I find myself doing my other hobbies....Dang I just categorized eating as a hobby---THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! 
  • More time for prayer and meditation. Yes God! Lord knows every time I see the prime time TV fast food commercials, I instantly begin to pray and I mean pray hard!
  • Getting more sleep. Since I can't eat, I simply get my kiddos to bed and I follow soon after. However, the hunger pangs seem to kick in around 5am so I answer it by a workout and nice breakfast to start my day. Low carb and No wheat breakfast that is...we will discuss that one later!
"Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!"