Reason #126,893,000 why I need to stay on board the health and wellness train!

After reading this article on Colon Caner Prevention( <---please check it out, a must read) it spoke so clearly to me as to why I need to get fit and stay healthy. During my undergrad studies, my research focus was in cancer disparity. This was back in 2005. During this time breast cancer awareness was at an all time high. So of course my research focus became breast cancer disparity among black women. The findings were astonishing.

However, there is another cancer lurking. This one is colon cancer. After reading an article about one of my fave reality TV stars, Real (the one with the long pretty hair) of Real Chance of Love, I was shocked to find that he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. 

Real is young, seemingly fit, seemingly healthy but still a carrier of this aggressive disease. My prayers are for him and his family as they battle this disease. 

Knowing what I know about clean eating and the dangers of processed foods or food of the devil as I call it from time to time. The public health researcher in me can't help but to conclude that colon cancer has a direct link to the foods or "foods" <--referring to processed crap, that we put into our bodies.

Think about it. The colon serves as the super highway that all of our food travels through. Most importantly, the unhealthiest foods get the longest ride on this super highway. The colon eventually leads to bowels and rectum where waste is released. The majority of processed food is simply waste.

In essence, all of the PROCESSED CRAP that is eaten goes through our colon, leaving junk behind, which can cause polyps. Polyps can eventually turn to cancer, hence the term colon cancer.

I don't know about you, but I don't want my super highway to be filled with crap and unhealthy waste. I would love for it to be filled with high fiber nutrients and living foods such has greens and other vegetables. It is foods like this that create a beautiful scenic route on our food super highway aka our colon.

From reading an article on this aggressive disease it was noted "Other risk factors include diabetes, smoking, obesity, poor diet, and a “couch potato” lifestyle." This rang an alarm SO LOUD in my alarm that indicated that I needed to get up off my butt and get moving AND realize that every action has a reaction. Every morsel of food that I put in my body has to be accounted for....sooner or later. 

Living foods and processed foods have one thing is common...they can both "FILL YOU UP". However the buck stops there. That is the only thing they have in common, as far as I am concerned. 

Living, whole foods not only fill you up, but it goes on to nourish our bodies. Giving our cells and organs energy and life that allow our bodies to fight diseases and perform other necessary functions.

Processed foods do nothing. They simply fill you up and then take that long, junk filled ride down our digestive tract cause havoc and chaos within our bodies. 

Let's be proactive!

"Eating to LIVE and not the other way around."