The End
If only it were that simple, but since it isn't, here goes.....
I am a mother of a toddler and newborn and a wife of a handsome, caring and supportive husband. I consider myself to be somewhat educated and a bit of a health nut...Yeah, I know, I'm overweight, for now, but I do care about my health, the health of my family and friends, and the health of my community. I have a Bachelor of Science in Health and a M.A. in that you know that, please don't look for any "Bougie" post w/ big S.A.T. words, it's not that kind of party! I will usually be writing these post in my pajamas so please look forward to the typos, although I will try to keep them to a minimum...I said TRY :)
As for this weight loss journey, I have been in route for almost a year. The first nine months I was not active due to my pregnancy, but during that time I read, read, read and read some more constantly about eating clean and healthy eating. You will hear me talk alot about eating clean, and I will go in to more detail about that, promise, just know that I am soo serious about it. While eating clean and home workouts I have lost about 45 pounds. I have recently just started going to the gym so I hope to see that number increase ALOT! Keep in mind that before I joined the gym and after I had my son I did home workouts and I love it! I still work out at home because being a new mommy I can't stay in the gym ALL day. So please don't think that results are not possible without a gym membership because let me tell you that you CAN do it at home or the gym. One tid bit that I keep in mind is the 80-20 rule, which simply means that weight loss is 80% of what you EAT and 20% EXERCISE. I had to let go of the notion that I can eat what I wanted and just "run it off"....I was kidding myself because number one, I was NOT going to run ANYWHERE and number two I probably was not going to RUN ANYWHERE! I was simply tricking myself into eating something and not worry about the consequences.....well those days are over!
The End :)
Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.