I am NOT that size...well it depends...
As I stated in my brief intro, I have managed to melt away 45 lbs since the beginning of this journey. Honestly some days I can see the difference and other days not soo much. I know for sure that I have went down a few sizes, and that is ALWAYS a plus, #WINNING! I am slowly but surely getting out of that depressing plus size section, now don't get me wrong, I have NEVER been solely loyal to the big girl side of the store..as a matter of fact I'm the big girl you see in stores like Forever 21 sizing up those XL tops trying to see if it has any "stretch" in it (ain't nothing that my handy dandy girdle can't hide lol), yeah that's me, or the girl wearing those XL dresses as a top w/ a pair of leggins, workin' it honey! Yes indeed! I will do a Charlotte Ruse- Lane Bryant combo quick and not slow, with no problem. Besides those plus size store accessories are soo expensive compared to the little girl stores. I guess they figure the bigger the waist, the more money in the bank?!? LOL I say all of that to say that size to me is a tricky thing, especially when loosing weight. In one store you can wear one size and 2 sizes higher in another, but I have come to realize that just like India Arie said "I am not my hair", look, I am not my <necessarily> that size on that tag. What matters most is the inches on the measuring tape, so as long as those numbers are decreasing then you too are #WINNING! Here is one progress pic, the one on the left I was a size 24w (6 months after my first pregnancy) and the one on the right is a 18w (3 weeks after my second pregnancy, oh and no girdle that day!)...slowly but surely y'all, slowly but surely!