Bad news: My pantry looks like this again
Why this is a bad thing...well refer back to my post my eating clean habit has degressed alot since the holidays. It all started with Thanksgiving and went down hill from there... sad face.
GOOD NEWS! I did catch myself before I rolled <---No Pun Intended--completely downhill. Yep, it is something about once you change your mind and realize that all of the processed foods and junk food is NOT, I repeat, NOT MY FRIND. NO ES MI AMIGO!
So this weekend I plan to do some SPRING cleaning in the pantry and donate the processed food to someone who appreciates it. Also, I have also had a new revelation........wait for it......
Like seriously, I thought because I was eating This:
And not THAT:
I figured I had the green light to eat until I was satisfied. However, after doing some research and looking at my clothes size stay the same and not going down #FRUSTRATEDMUCH, it dawned on me. I had heard it before PORTION CONTROL but I didn't think it matttered, since I was eating healthy etc. I guess I was wrong. My three meals a day are going BYE-BYE. HELLO 6 meals a day @ 300calories each. This sounds like alot of food but it really isn't...Let me break it down in Big Girl Terms (No shade--hell I'm still fat--for a limited time only of course #HEYYY) LOL
SO 4real-4real:
1 spicy breast from THE DEVIL Popeye's = 420 calories
1 double cheeseburger from THE DEVIL'S ASSISTANT McDonald's = 440 calories
1 slice of pizza (panned, supreme of course) = 420 calories
Again I repeat, 300 calories IS NOT a lot of food! Especially when you are trying to stay under 300 calories at one sitting. It is ALMOST impossible to eat out (Trust, I tried & yeah, it's not worth it!) So I have come up with some quick 300 calorie meals that I will share with you next post.......I AM BACK FOR REAL THIS TIME! #PROMISE!
What are some 300 calorie meals that you can think of? Let's talk!!
Eating to LIVE & Not the Other way around!