When eating right goes WRONG!

So I'm back from hibernation. Those winter months were hard on a sista, what can I say. As for progress what progress?!? LOL Well, I have progressed some but MAITAINED a whole bunch.

Bad news: My pantry looks like this again

Why this is a bad thing...well refer back to my post http://pigfeetandeggs.blogspot.com/2011/07/case-of-empty-pantry.html Yeah..so my eating clean habit has degressed alot since the holidays. It all started with Thanksgiving and went down hill from there... sad face.

GOOD NEWS! I did catch myself before I rolled <---No Pun Intended--completely downhill. Yep, it is something about once you change your mind and realize that all of the processed foods and junk food is NOT, I repeat, NOT MY FRIND. NO ES MI AMIGO!

So this weekend I plan to do some SPRING cleaning in the pantry and donate the processed food to someone who appreciates it. Also, I have also had a new revelation........wait for it......


Like seriously, I thought because I was eating This:

And not THAT:

I figured I had the green light to eat until I was satisfied. However, after doing some research and looking at my clothes size stay the same and not going down #FRUSTRATEDMUCH, it dawned on me. I had heard it before PORTION CONTROL but I didn't think it matttered, since I was eating healthy etc. I guess I was wrong. My three meals a day are going BYE-BYE. HELLO 6 meals a day @ 300calories each. This sounds like alot of food but it really isn't...Let me break it down in Big Girl Terms (No shade--hell I'm still fat--for a limited time only of course #HEYYY) LOL

SO 4real-4real:

1 spicy breast from THE DEVIL Popeye's = 420 calories
1 double cheeseburger from THE DEVIL'S ASSISTANT McDonald's = 440 calories
1 slice of pizza (panned, supreme of course) = 420 calories

Again I repeat, 300 calories IS NOT a lot of food! Especially when you are trying to stay under 300 calories at one sitting. It is ALMOST impossible to eat out (Trust, I tried & yeah, it's not worth it!) So I have come up with some quick 300 calorie meals that I will share with you next post.......I AM BACK FOR REAL THIS TIME! #PROMISE!

What are some 300 calorie meals that you can think of? Let's talk!!

Eating to LIVE & Not the Other way around!