P&E Quickies Presents: What's on your plate?

TURN ON THE DISCO BALL AND SHUT THE LIGHTS OFF (Yes I said shut, my granny's favorite line lol) IT'S A CELEBRATION!

We are celebrating the USDA's ditching of that RIDICULOUS food pyramid that is keeping our country FAT. Yeah I said, FAT...besides I can do that b/c I'm still in the big girl club..for now :) Anyway, here is a pic of the pyramid, just in case you forgot.

Now, the biggest issue that I have with this thing is that it puts breads, pastas, and grains as the bulk of our diet...and that is what is making us FAT. Then to add damage to insult, the majority of these items sold in the supermarket are so PROCESSED that they lack nutritional VALUE, again causing us to be FAT. 

The "NEW" USDA Pyramid
Red = fruit
Green = veggies
Purple = protein
Orange = grains

It's a start. I guess. While on my journey, I could not have progressed if my plate mirrored the one above. I've shared before that I mainly eat from saucers, and on that saucer is a purple and a green. I have found it beneficial to LIMIT my carb and grain intake to little to none on some days ( no more than 20 carbs or so a day). To explain  why I am satisfied with this way of eating, let leave you with this snippet from one of my favorite health books FAT to SKINNY. He Says:

It’s no secret that cow food is front-loaded with grains and corn to fatten up the cow for slaughter. After all, the rancher and everyone else get paid by the pound! GRAINS = SUGAR, SUGAR then turns into
FAT. As I mentioned earlier, if I ate the diet plan outlined for me in my custom food pyramid, I would be as FAT as a COW! WHY? Because I would be eating COW FOOD. Cows eat corn and grains. Flour comes from ground GRAIN.....Ever notice how sleek and streamlined the great cats are? Panthers, leopards, lions and tigers. They don’t eat COW food. They are carnivores, and they eat protein. We are carnivores as well. You’ll lean out quickly if you switch from COW food to protein.
Excert from:
FAT TO SKINNY Fast and Easy!  Doug Varrieur

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around.