High heels + itunes + YouTube + ankle weights = Bomb.com Workout

That's right, I was determined to get my tshirt drenched in sweat today!

High heels + itunes + YouTube + ankle weights =
Bomb.com Workout

 So what we have here is a formula for a good time by yourself or w/ a group all while getting some cardio and lower body workout in! I heard the song over the weekend at a "function" and I am soo glad I did! I heard it before but forgot ALL about it, but it came back to my memory this morning AND the rest is history!

Here is the first video I found:
I love this one because the guy gives great directions but PLEASE don't make the mistake that I did! SO I had the dance down pack, with my heels (in my pajamas), my ankle weights and downloaded the song from itunes and I was GONE! Just to realize that this was the simple version. SAY WHA?! That was hard ENOUGH in my opinion, but my coordination skills are a bit off LOL Anyway here is the more popular version that I saw done Saturday night.
Yeah, when I first saw this one I said "AWWW HECK NAW!" but after the first couple of minutes they break it down and it was easier than I thought! #FutureProStepper LOL in my mind at least!

I did it for about 45 minutes w/ my ankle weights and I kept my arms moving to get a little upper body. You can use the wrist weights to add variety. I REALLY can't wait until the next function to do this w/ the other people!

Next Line dance: Wobble Wobble #AAAYYYYYEEEE

Eating Moving to Live and not the other way around!

"Later" stood me up...

I have reached a plateau and I am not happy about it....It's time to switch it up, I mean really I have to remind myself of how STRONG, UNSTOPPABLE, LIFTED and even SEXXXXY I felt after a long hard workout at the gym when I first started this thing.

I would go in dry as a whistle and walk out drenched in pure natural sweat and I LOVED IT!  Lately I have found myself missing a few dates w/ the gym and would tell myself, "Oh I'll do some pushups and cardio later" but for some reason "later" never came to pick me up for our date lol So starting today I am throwing the YMCA workouts out the window for a few weeks and getting my sweat on in other ways. I think this switch up may be the change I need to get over the plateau hump! In my Professor Klump Voice "LETS GET BUSY!" #random

Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!

The case of the EMPTY Pantry.



So I go into my kitchen and look in my pantry and notice that it is SO BARE and........ I Smile! Why? Because that is an indicator that I am still on this journey of a healthier me. It is a saying that says you can tell a person's character by the company they keep. Well same goes for these pantries, you can tell a person's healthy state of mind (or lack there of) by what is on their pantry shelves.

When I first started this journey of eating clean, I had to really do a lot of soul searching and self checking. I came to realize that the way I shop, eat, and even my cravings are by habit. Here I was with a family of 3, still shopping for a family of 6. You see, I still had that mindset from my childhood. Remember I was the chubby kid in my household of 6, so anything dealing with the food I was involved, from the shopping, to the pantry organizing, and even most of the cooking once I was old enough. I can recall the feeling of satisfaction at an early age when I saw our pantries FULL to the MAX! I knew all the Twinkies, ho hos, cereals and juices where waiting on me whenever I was ready. Oh, but when the pantry was low I knew that meant one of two things: PIZZA! or Sandwiches (yuck!). Of course I would always root for the Pizza, but those sandwiches won the battle one too many times for me. So with these past experiences, and me equating FULL pantries to happiness and EMPTY pantries to not so happy, it seemed only right for me to keep my pantries full to the max at all times! I can recall in college when my pantry, which was a big ole Tupperware tub, was always filled w/ snacks and goodies!

As of today, my pantry is not completely empty like the pic above, but it is really bare. It has a couple of canned veggies, only because I don't like frozen corn or peas, the rest of my veggies I buy fresh or frozen. Then I have my tuna and oysters as protein snacks, and then my staples like flour, sugar etc. Pretty simple. Occasionally I would have a bag of chips or some other snack, but I find myself reaching over those to get my peanuts or another healthy snack. I will admit, the hardest part was emptying out ALL of that junk I had in there at first. Looking back I laugh at myself and even feel sorry for myself for thinking that processed junk was suppose to nourish myself and my family. For example, the INSTANT Potatoes, LORD help me, I had it down to a science trying to make these "potato flakes" taste like real potatoes. I mean, all that effort I could have used to boil some real potatoes that still have the nutrients and FIBER in them. Or maybe the boxed carbs like the dirty rice, stuffing, MACARONI, and even the instant sweet potatoes. Y'all I really could not imagine going back to that FOOLISHNESS! And don't think for a second that I gave up my macaroni or dirty rice, I just cook them the old school way- from scratch and with REAL ingredients! Gone are the CHEESE POWDERS OR SQUEEZE ON CHEESE CRAP! I go in there and grate the cheeses I want, and when I am feeling fancy, I may include 5 different REAL cheeses and it is THE BOMB.COM!


Eating to LIVE and not the other way around!

Back from Summer Blog Vacay!

So I've been away for a while, sorry guys but LIFE was calling and I had to answer. Anyway, I was very productive while on my blog vacay, even connected with a new Health and Wellness Group called A Road to Healthy with Lolita Goods. This group is AWESOME, I found it right when I started feeling a little lonely on this journey. Yeah my husband is supportive and I have a good friend I talk to daily about our health progress etc. but I still felt like I was missing something. Through the group I am able to get EXPERT and PROFESSIONAL advice from doctors and health experts as well as share the journey white hundreds of women across the country.

The website is: http://www.aroadtohealthy.com/     Check it out!!

More Recipes coming this week! Missed you all!!

Eating to Live and NOT the other way around!